Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Two Personalities, One Stripper

For the past two and a half years I have been living with my best friend, â€Å"Bailey†, who is like a sister to me in a lot of ways. This is especially true in regards to the way in which we are able to openly confide in each other about everything and anything, just like some sisters do. In fact, our relationship is so strong Bailey even feels safe enough to trust me with the intimate, detailed stories she brings home with her every weekend after working at Shot Gun Willie’s. If you haven’t guessed by now, my roommate moonlights as a stripper, and has been working as such for the past year. I chose to write about Bailey because of the various ways in which I have witnessed her having to mentally, and physically transform herself in order to cope with the trials and tribulations that come from working at a strip club. As well as the damaging repercussions this type of occupation has had on her overall perceptions of self, the world, and her relation to/in the world. It is also because of Bailey’s repeated exposure to the lustful, perverted, and greedy sides of people that the need to develop a completely new and separate persona arose, and Bailey’s alter ego â€Å"Kimber† was created. Throughout this semester, we have learned about many different theorists and their philosophies on the different, complex environments and experiences that help to contribute to the development of the human personality. For this paper I chose to use the concepts and ideas of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Melanie Klein, and Donald Winnicott. Soon after learning about the diverse beliefs each of these theorists attributed to the creation, enhancement, and hindrance of an individual’s personality, I started to see a correlation between them and the weekly conversations/stories my roommate and I had about her experiences working at Willie’s, and the psychological effects that were beginning to develop from constantly being in this type of environment. When looking at Bailey’s situation from a few of Freud’s perspectives we can see the development of defenses starting to take root. By this I mean that Bailey begins to unconsciously employ a number of â€Å"psychological means to help keep anxiety-provoking material out of her awareness in order to reduce or avoid anxiety† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 43). One of the ways in which Bailey does this is through what Freud conceptualized as being a type of neuroses he referred to as Defense Neuroses. To Freud, this type of defense originally arose from the ego’s attempt to protect our consciousness against threatening sexual thoughts. To e, this kind of neuroses is depicted in the formation of Bailey’s new belief that all men are lying, scummy perverts as a way of protecting herself against the idea that she is somehow dirty and perverted herself for being a stripper, and secretly liking to dance naked in front of strangers. This form of defense neuroses can also be seen through the way in which Bailey tries to keep her stripper life completely separate, and hidden from the rest of her life and the world by denying and suppressing any involvement in it, because of the fact that she feels guilty about finding some enjoyment in taking her clothes off for money. Bailey also uses another one of Freud’s neuroses techniques in order to avoid experiencing anxiety, called Obsessional Neuroses, which is a disorder that involves individuals engaging in ritualistic acts to help keep them from feeling anxiety. This can be seen through the way in which Bailey routinely comes home from work, and before doing anything else (i. e. taking off her makeup, wig, or stripper clothes) she must immediately sit down, and smoke one to two bowls of weed in order to forget, as well as dull the experiences of that night’s events. While still being a little high, Bailey must take two showers so that she can thoroughly clean her entire body with exfoliating soap and a scrub brush before going to bed. She referrers to these showers as her way of escaping from the people, mindset, and feelings work puts her in by watching all her problems being washed away and sucked down the drain. If Bailey does not perform one or both of these rituals she is unable to unwind from work, which in turn makes her become highly agitated, and overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety about being a bad person because of how she chooses to financially support herself. Bailey’s urge to incessantly scrub her body multiple times, represents her unconscious need to compulsively clean the outside of her body in order to no longer feel emotionally dirty or unclean on the inside. Another way in which Bailey uses obsessional neuroses to cope with being a stripper, and avoid the emotional anxieties that come with this occupation, is through her ritualistic preparation for work. As in, the way in which she routinely transforms herself from Bailey into the completely separate Kimber. The metamorphosis from Bailey to Kimber begins with a head to toe makeover so extreme Bailey becomes nearly unrecognizable. This detailed process involves such things as, the application of face makeup that is a few shades too dark for Bailey’s natural complexion, in turn making her look like she is tanner than she really is, followed by thick amounts of pink blush, heavy eye makeup, and fake eye lashes. Bailey then organizes an outfit for Kimber that contains such essential items as vibrantly colored fishnet stockings, eight inch silver platform stiletto high-heels, two G-strings, and last but not least a top and bottom set that barely leave anything to the imagination. The ritualistic transmutation into Kimber is finally complete when Bailey puts on her long platinum blonde wig, and modifies her voice to sound higher for the rest of the night until she removes the wig. Bailey routinely performs these practices in order to try and repress all the anxieties that arise from working in such an atmosphere, as well as maintain a level of disconnect from the kind of anxiety-provoking experiences that take place in the stripper world. If for some reason Bailey does not have the opportunity to change into her Kimber self, then she is almost instantaneously plagued with a sense of worry about not being able to make money because she is too much like herself, as well as the fear that someone will recognize her as Bailey, which to her signifies the end of her life and her world as she knows it. Through Freud’s perspective, both of these types of compulsive behaviors can be seen as a form of avoidance by means of distraction, as well as a type of self-imposed penance for â€Å"having engaged in behaviors that were pleasurable but deemed as being ‘bad’ † (Beneath the Mask, pg. 43). To me Bailey’s creation of â€Å"Kimber† represents a lot of different components to Carl Jung’s theories on personality, and its development. The first is Jung’s concept of the Persona Archetype, which is the â€Å"front we present to others, because social living makes demands for certain kinds of behavior† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 65). Society does this by establishing â€Å"certain expectations and certain roles around which we must hide our ‘private’ selves† (Beneath the Mask, pg. 165). It is in this way that Kimber has become one of Bailey’s more predominant personas, in that Kimber is the mask Bailey wears in order to hide her private self from the people she encounters while working in the strip club. At first, the construction of the Kimber persona seemed like a good buffer between the people at the club and Bailey’s private self, however this persona soon began to envelope Baily’s psyche. This happened because the Kimber persona was given the opportunity to take over the psyche through becoming too attached to certain aspects of the created persona, which was due to the need for its continual and constant use. It is in this way that Kimber’s experiences have altered Bailey’s views on life and the world. As a result of this, Bailey now perceives all of her interactions and experiences in the real world outside of the strip club too narrowly in relation to men, and their specific social role and function in the world. For example, Bailey cannot help but only see men in one of two ways. To her they are either a form of testosterone driven, easily accessible capitol, that takes little to no effort to manipulate and acquire, or they are cheap, dirt-bag assholes just looking to score with anything that walks. This type of black and white thinking is directly connected to the way in which Kimber categorizes, and views men at the club in order to make her nights there as lucrative as possible. This alteration to Bailey’s opinions of men represents just how strong and successful the persona of Kimber has become in taking over Bailey’s psyche. These changes in Bailey’s way of thinking have also coincidently led to a break in her Continuity of Self, which is the way she has perceived herself as being throughout her life up until this point. Meaning that because of the modifications to Bailey’s psyche that have developed out of the creation of her Kimber persona, Bailey now perceives her role within the world and society differently, due to repetitive personal and situational experiences in the club. For instance, Bailey now sees herself as having more personal power over men and people in general, because of the ways in which she has learned to use her sexuality as a manipulative tool. Conversely she now also has a lower sense of her overall self-worth, due to the fact that because she makes money solely off of her looks and nothing else, Bailey has begun to believe that this is all that she is with nothing more to offer the world. In turn this type of mindset has helped to create many diverse types of complexes ranging from the formation of different archetypal related complexes, as well as other male related issues. hen can also be seen in the reverse way Bailey has begun to see the role of women within the world, which is that they are either judgmental prudes or excepting sexual beings, in that they are either secure or not with their own sexuality enough to except or reject the fact that strippers are real people too, and that they shouldn’t be judged simply on the basis of occupational choices. terms of what her specific social role, and purpose is within society in relation to men, and their use in the world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Criminalistics Week 11 Ind Homework Essay

This method is helpful because the searcher is moving from an area light with evidence to an area where more evidence is most likely to be found. Because the searcher may not be able to complete a perfect spiral evidence could be missed. Wheel/ray search-employs several people moving from the boundary straight toward the center of the scene or from the center straight to the boundary. This is not preferred because areas between the rays are not searched. Quadrant/zone search-involves dividing the scene into zones or quadrants and team members are assigned to each section. This method is best suited for scenes that cover a large area. 2. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary scene? A primary scene is one at which the original incident occurred. The secondary scene is a location that became part of the crime scene by activities after the initial incident, such as using a car to transport a body. 3. List three methods for crime scene recording. Notes, photography, and sketches. Notes-the notes should start by identifying the person who contacted the investigator, the time of the contact, and all preliminary information enclosed, including the case number. Photography-crime scene photographs can show the layout of the scene, the position of evidence to be collected, and the relation of objects at the scene to one another. Photography is also important for documenting biological evidence in its original condition because this kind of evidence is altered during testing. Sketching-a sketch shows the layout of an indoor or outdoor crime scene and the relationship in space of all the items and features significant to the investigation. It is important to illustrate the location of collected evidence. Sketching clarifies objects and features already described in notes or shown in photographs. 4. What are aperture and f-number? How does the aperture relate to the f-number and how does this affect the amount of light to which the film exposed? The aperture is the size of the diaphragm opening through which light enters the camera. The f-number is the diameter of the lens opening for light to pass through the camera. One adjusts the aperture by setting the f-number, which is equal to the focal length divided by the aperture. Thus, the aperture and the f-number are inversely related. The lower the f-number setting, the wider the aperture and the more light it allows in. 5. What is the depth of field? How does a camera’s the f-number relate to a depth of field of the photographs it produces? The depth of field is the range of in the foreground and background of a photographic subject that are also relatively in focus. Landscape mode on a digital camera automatically selects higher f-stops to improve the depth of field when the background and foreground are important. The portrait mode selects lower f-stops to decrease the depth of field and make the subject stand out clearly against a blurred background. 6. What should medium-range photographs taken at the crime scene show? What should appear in every medium-range photographs and why? Medium-range photographs should show the layout of smaller significant areas of the crime scene. The items that should appear in every medium-range photograph are evidence markers and they are to show the spatial relationship between and among pieces of evidence in greater detail than the overview photographs.

Influence of Optimist and Pessimist for Success Essay

For example, an optimist will look at a sunset and think, â€Å"Look how beautiful nature is, thank god, life is a wonderful present,† where a pessimist will look at the same one and think, â€Å"The sunset means another day of life passed over and I have one day closer to death. † It is just like an optimist seeing a half-water filled bottle as half full when the pessimist sees half empty. Scientists believe that people with an optimistic attitude towards life can be more successful than pessimists. It is no doubt about that, but people need pessimistic thinking to triumph. Despite everyone knowing optimists are more likely successful, too much optimism or over confidence will lead to negative consequences, even disaster. For example, in ancient times there were three most undoubtedly powerful and prosperous dynasties: Ancient China, Ancient Babylon and Ancient Egypt. Once Ancient China ruled the world. Over a period of 5,000 years the Chinese people developed a unique, self-contained and self-centered society at the extreme eastern end of the Eurasian landmass. The Chinese complacently thought that they did not want what modern science offered—greater technology, power over the natural world, and an improved standard of living. Unlike Westerners, the over-optimistic Chinese felt no need to develop modern science to conquer the natural world. Eventually, as a consequence, Chinese people had been suffering from catastrophic warfare for more than hundreds of years, and there had been not less than one hundred million dead. The only reason why it happened was just because of an unintelligent decision that secluded China from the outside world made by an over-confident and over-optimistic empire. A perfect piece of art or invention, as I have observed, cannot be made simply by those are without pessimistic thinking or critical thinking. Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955-October 5, 2011) was a co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. He had such an active professional life that it would not be easy to list all his incredible achievements in one article, but many people knew he had been a over-optimistic loser when the Apple III model came to the public. Jobs thought everything would be going well as he wanted, but truthfully it was not. The over optimism got him fired from the Apple company for eleven years before he finally returned to the Apple company that he established. After that, Jobs became a revolutionary inventor of the digital world. He made legends; he amazingly changed the world. What made Jobs success was that he turned from an optimist to a critical thinker during a low tide of his life. He no longer thought what he invented was perfection and began to criticize his work thousands of times before publishing. Having pessimistic think or called critical thinking makes it possible for people to be as successful as Jobs. However, the information above does not imply that it is wrong for us to be optimists. Optimists succeed more easily in all areas of life. Recent studies show that optimists excel in school, have a better love life, make more money, have better health and live longer. Optimists also do better in the face of stress. Even though optimists bite off more than they can chew, they still end up healthier and happier than pessimists. So the answer of which perspective is correct is neither. What is really important is not which way of thinking is correct but which is more beneficial. You can make a case for each side of the situation. Information about China history from I have learned in history class Information about Steve Jobs from Youtube Steve Jobs speeches The following list from http://www. centreforconfidence. co. uk/pp/overview. php? p=c2lkPTQmdGlkPTAmaWQ9NTY= The benefits of being optimistic include: * Better health * Longer life A happier life * Less stress and anxiety * Successful careers * Better educational qualifications * Better relationships * Better at problem-solving * More resilient in the face of adversity * Cope better with failure The costs of being pessimistic include: * Depression * Dying younger * Inertia in the face of adversity * Having a lower immune system * Suffering increased ill-health, both physical and mental * Not performing well at work * Failure when faced with crucial situa tions * Poorer relationships Even when things turn out badly, pessimists don’t feel good about making the * More fun and worthwhile. People’s Attitude towards Life Outline Thesis: It is no doubt that optimists are more likely to succeed, but success cannot be without pessimists. Opinion 1: the overoptimistic attitude will lead negative consequence. For example ancient China Opinion 2: the pessimistic thinking or called critical thinking can help you succeed. For example Steve Jobs Conclusion: we cannot totally deny the benefit brought by optimistic attitude.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Naval Hospital Guam Facility Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Naval Hospital Guam Facility - Case Study Example Naval Hospital Guam 2006). My search has so far brought up the general quality management program for the Department of Defense but no specifics on this particular facility. I have been unable to identify a comprehensive Quality Assurance Program document online for the Naval Hospital Guam. The tasks of the Data Quality Analysis and Evaluation Division, the closest thing to Quality Assurance, is as follows: "Administers, coordinates and analyzes a variety of statistical data, to include: Medical Expense and Workload (MEPRS); Clinical workload data (both inpatient and outpatient); and Utilization Reporting for use by the command and higher authority. Provides guidance to work centers in developing statistical data collection techniques; and conducts training to familiarize personnel with statistical data reporting and requirements, and the impact on financial and manpower resource allocation"(U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, 2008). In connection with TRICARE, there was reference to the 1998 document from the Assistant Secretary of Defense. The Department of Defense (DoD) Utilization Management (UM) Policy for the Direct Care System provides a framework for systematic business and clinical processes. Regional UM and Quality Management processes are developed at the Lead Agent level. The Lead Agent establishes joint plans with the Managed Care Support (MCS) Contractors. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) standards or the Joint Committee on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHCO) standards provide the basis for the flexible development of processes which are multidisciplinary, cost efficient and designed to optimize patient care (Assistant Secretary of Defense, 1998). The goals and objectives include attention to the cost efficiency, timeliness and quality of care as well as the optimal partnership with MCS Contractors. Process performance, process improvement and system improvement a nalysis are an integral part of the plan and appropriate measurement and statistical methods are included in the plan. Key elements of the plan are education, utilization review, demand referral management, case and disease management, discharge planning and health promotion. These provide a basis for the evaluation of care and the development of best practices including practice guidelines, critical pathways and critical outcome studies. TRICARE has developed a Provider Handbook by Region to supply information on key operational aspects of the program and program options. Mandated Requirements: According to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (1998), integration of UM in the Direct Care System (DCS) with the contractor's network, other regional Military Treatment Facilities (MTF),

Sunday, July 28, 2019


STUDENT-DESIGNED INDEPENDENT PROJECT USING THE PROVIDED TEMPLATE - Essay Example It will help addicts who may seek rehabilitation assistance, guidance and counselling and medical attention It will take at least one week to inform both the students and other participants about the project. The project will also call for at least a two weeks meeting by the project management team prior, during and after the event. Also, another one week will be needed to negotiate for support from partners. Two days will be enough to negotiate for the project location, the University College Hall. If the opportunity will be granted to hold project event at the hall, it will take two days to prepare the location and another two days to clean the place after the event (Penrod 826). Two weeks will be ideal to approach various event partners( the students, well wishers, The National drugs watch board, the college counselling department and the college illegal drugs and substance club) to help in raising the required funds (Angus 430). The college Hall will be an ideal space of hosting the event, because it is spacious. it also provides white boards that will help in project presentation using power point, giving clear graphical information and analysis. The timing to host the event is not only right but also appropriate. The event will be analyzed to determine if it fulfilled the original purpose by promoting assessment of the educational, social and economic impacts of drug and substance abuse among college students. Also, it has to empower college students to reject illegal drugs and substances abuse in future. The project will seek assistance from the Mathematics and statistics club to conduct the needed analysis for the project. Business and journalism clubs will also be of importance in marketing and linking with partners to sponsor the project. Team work will be expected to be displayed by all

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leading and managing people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leading and managing people - Essay Example In my group we were doing a video shoot for companies. We were to act like a company and we were looking for investors to help make those download videos for companies. Therefore of this assignment being that we were coming from different cultural backgrounds we needed a strong and effective leader and was Ross was a one such leader. From the socio grams it is obvious that Ross choose the influencing kind of leadership style. In the appendix from week 4, 6, 7 and 8 more and more focus is directed on Ross as the project becomes more and more demanding. Furthermore, in week 6 even relationships between the groups members have began to be strained and there is tension however, by week 7 and 8 the leader Ross had straightened this tension and communication was smooth. The straightening and smoothening of the relationships in the group was not done by chance but by the leadership style that Ross had chosen. This is represented well by the emotiograms in the appendix which depicts the stress level of the members at different weeks. However, Ross is shown to be on top of the tree in each and every week looking down at his group members. As some members are distracted, some are lazing around, some are detached and some are completely falling Ross is strong and very alert and is on top of his game. This depicts Ross’ leadership skills as being assertive and influencing to the group members. By being influencing she is giving positive directives which will bring the members together. Being on top of all of the group members Ross put pressure on us to do what was expected of the group. However much this leadership style was good and productive it made me feel like Ross was the only important and my ideas and contributions were not valuable. In th e appendix section sociogram 6 portrays our strained relationship and also emotiogram 7 shows me just hanging by dangerously and about to fall. I believe that Ross’ leadership style is caused by his personality which is

Friday, July 26, 2019

HRM(see below my topic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HRM(see below my topic) - Essay Example The size of the labor market, the image of a company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner in which job aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of a company. Through the process of recruitment, a company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. (i) Transfer. It involves the shifting of an employee from one job to a one department to another or from one shift to another. Transfer is a good source of filling vacancies with employees from overstaffed departments or shifts. at the time of transfer, it should be ensured that the employee to be transferred to another .job is capable of performing it. In fact, transfer does not involve any drastic change in the responsibilities, pay and status of the employee. Transfers or job rotations are also used for training of employees in learning different jobs. (ii) Promotion. It leads to shifting an employee to a higher position, carrying higher responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Many companies follow the practice of filling higher jobs by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions. Filling vacancies in higher jobs from within the organization has the benefit of motivating the existing employees. It has a great psychological impact over the employees because a promotion at the higher level may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organization(Rao, 2005, p-148) Why should Internal Sources be used Filling vacancies in higher jobs from within the organization or through internal transfers has the following merits (Braver, 1998, p15-16): Employees are motivated to improve their performance. Morale of the employees is increased. Industrial peace prevails in the enterprise because of promotional avenues. Filling of jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidates from external sources. A promotion at a higher level may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organization. This motivates the employees to improve their performance through learning and practice. Transfer or job rotation is a tool of training the employees to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Incentory Valuation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Incentory Valuation - Case Study Example According to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAPs) there are three acceptable methods of valuation. These include average cost (AVCO) and First-in-first-out (FIFO) and last-in-first-out (LIFO). However, International Accounting Standards (IAS) 2 does not permit the use of LIFO (BPP 2009, p.205). The method that we have adopted is AVCO. GAAPs and IAS 2 also require that inventory be valued at the lower-of-cost-and-market value (LCM) (Hoyle and Skender 2010). This means that if the market value had fallen below cost after the year end then the inventory would require an adjustment to market value. We therefore need to compare our valuation at 31st May 2010 which is $120 with the current market price of $146. Since Palermo’s valuation is lower then the market value, we will maintain our current valuation of $120 per case. As soon as we start paying $80 per case, the average cost will decline as long as cost prices remain that way. This however, will not apply to 31st M ay 2010. Furthermore, if later on, we see a reduction in market value below our current average cost of $120, we will have no other choice but to reduce our valuation to market value and to write off as an expense. Otherwise, our valuation as it stands currently is in keeping with GAAPs and IASs. Sincerely, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Chief Financial Officer References BPP. (2009).

Mechanical testing of cancellous bone (Bio-mechanics) Essay

Mechanical testing of cancellous bone (Bio-mechanics) - Essay Example Therefore, the plotting of stress curves was done. Basing on the intercept and the slope of the graph obtained in this experiment, compressive strength, the stiffness, the zero strain point, as well as the failure strain were then calculated. It was found that density was in directly proportion with the three mechanical properties (stiffness, strength, and failure strain) for samples from porcine, as well as bovine bone. Following these results, it was concluded therefore, that the mechanical behaviour of cancerous bone in both pig and the cow is almost similar although it was somewhat lower in the cow samples relative to that from porcine. Trabecular bone or the cancerous bone is the porous material that often represent a type of osseous tissue forming bones (Jee, 1996). Research indicates that trabecular bone has a higher surface area relative to other types of osseous tissues (Foss, 1992). Contrary, it has been found to have less density and stiffness (Currey, 1987). Arguably, the cancerous bone mechanical behaviour is somewhat similar to the other related cellular materials including the polymeric. This is because of its possessing a cellular structure consisting of the connected network of plates and rods (Bursten, & Frankel, 1999). There are contributing factors to the cancerous bone strength with bone density identified as one such factor. According to WHO (1994) there is need to determine the fracture risks using bone mineral density. It is also worth noting that other than the density of the bone, testing conditions, as well as the species of the animal are essential factors affecting the stiffness and strengt h of cancerous bones (Bell, Olive & Grabb, 1988). From the explored body of literature, it is evident that there are numerous experiments that have been conducted with a view of evaluating the density, and strength of a bone. However, there are limited research conducted on dependent of the strength of the cancerous bone on either

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Historic cost accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Historic cost accounting - Case Study Example Unemployment in the UK has fallen to a twenty five year low and yet inflation has remained low. This shows that there has been an improvement in the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The non accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (or NAIRU) has declined because of increased flexibility in the labour market and a reduction in structural unemployment. (Has the UK supply side improved') Estimates show that London has a higher level of wages than the North East (approximately 40 per cent higher, and approximately 30 per cent higher than the Great Britain average), and has seen the strongest wage growth between 1993 and 2003 in nearly all industry groups (especially in services industries). The North East, by comparison, has cheaper wage costs in all industries compared with the Great Britain average (approximately 10 per cent less), and has seen a lower wage growth in nearly all industry groups. 3 the big advantage of hca is that it leads to absolute certainty and it fits in perfectly with the cash flow statement. Hca tells us exactly what has been paid and what has been received and therefore there is no doubt about balance sheet amounts. The alternatives, where accountants attempt to take inflation into account, can lead to many problems. There have been several forms of current cost accounting, purchasing power accounting and so on since the mid 1970s that have been proposed as alternatives to hca. The reason the alternatives have not survived, and IAS 15 on inflation accounting is about to be replaced, if it hasn't been already, is that no one can agree on the best way to represent accounting values. Hca provides definite values, other methods don't! 4 the disadvantages of hca include the fact that hca values can relate to transactions that could be a year old, 10 years old and as much as 100 years old. It's true that some businesses have old equipment and old stocks (inventories) that are still working well but that were bought a long time ago: the problem is that the acquisition value may be out of date and so the balance sheet is showing out of date values. Taxation problems come with inflation accounting. In times of high levels of inflation, profits are inflated and therefore the tax bill tends to increase: this is the reason that inflation accounting was developed in the UK and elsewhere in the 1970s and onwards. Guess what, though' Accountants found solutions to the inflation accounting problem that led to lower taxation but the Inland Revenue didn't like what the accountants

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Essay - Assignment Example The Cold War was characterized by increased tensions between America and Russia, and military advancements characterized each other’s agenda in dominating world affairs. Therefore, Solnits arguments elicit praise and criticism of this period in almost equal measure, but are apparent America realized its objective after decisive sacrifices. My primal reason for reading this chapter is to comprehend and understand numerous events in society that have shaped human conditions in the world. It was possible by reading Solnit’s work to understand the unique features of Silicon Valley, as she notes â€Å"Finding the landscape of Silicon Valley isn’t as easy as getting the subdivisions and freeway exits and industrial parks.† When Langdon Winner wrote a profile of Silicon Valley a few years ago, he reached for the Winchester Mystery House as its Emblem. It is an obvious one in a region whose other landmarks are scarce (Solnit 52). Consequently, I agree with Solnit on the difficulty of finding the landscape of Silicon Valley. Increased military operations have transformed the valley into an area of underground military bases, tunnels, and activities. The physical landscape of Silicon Valley is deceiving because even though one can see decaying emblems like the Winchester Mystery house, it is apparent many m ore buildings, and facilities characterize the valley’s landscape. Her arguments about Silicon Valley significantly transformed my perception about a landscape, and I discovered that even underground features in the area are part of its landscape. Moreover, the difficulty in finding the landscape of Silicon Valley led to my second reason for reading this text, which was to comprehend and understand Solnit’s comparison of Silicon Valley with a maze. After understanding why the author compares Silicon Valley with a maze, I critically analyzed this comparison to understand this inevitable metaphor clearly and easily. Advances in technology,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Brief Analysis of Music Essay Example for Free

Brief Analysis of Music Essay In Joel and Ethan Coen’s unique take on referencing Homer’s Odyssey in the form of a 1930’s Great Depression comedy-adventure film, â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? †, the most noticeably intelligent attribute was the genius song and music choice that, in more ways than one, dictated scene build-up, characteristic, and transition, thus keeping the theme of the â€Å"old-time,† old-country† atmosphere well intact throughout. The variety of American roots music songs used in the scenes gives cinematic emphasis to the characters’ circumstances and plot situations. Moreover, the assortment highlights the realness of time and setting presentation in telling the story of trio convicts and just where, when, and how their adventure unfolds. Brief Analysis of Music Selection in Joel and Ethan Coen’s â€Å"O Brother, Where Art Thou? † As the film opens with a lengthy line of hard-toiling inmates along the rail-road iron linings, collectively and heavily chanting verses from a rather hauntingly soothing blues tune entitled â€Å"Po Lazarus† (Track 1), the audience is at once audio-visually oriented and introduced into the state of the times, surroundings, over-all atmospherics, and mood of the film. The relative simplicity of life through the rather depressed and trying times is kept through notable scenes. An example of which is when the odd trio of Ulysses Everett McGill, Delmar O’Donnell, and Pete, together with Cousin Wash, all enjoyed an after-meal, quality-entertainment radio offering via Norman Blake’s country classic â€Å"You are My Sunshine† (Track 3). Moreover, the music presented in each of the scenes not only offers musical genre variety of roots country and folk, blues, bluegrass, gospel, and much in between through certain scene transitions, but more importantly highlights the tone of each separate scene in between dialogue, one distinct from the other, effectively and memorably. An example of this was the on-going quarrel of Everett and Pete which was overshadowed by the mass baptismal gathering and singing of a traditional gospel hymn â€Å"Down to the River to Pray† (Track 4), wherein all except Everett opted to clean his spiritual slate. Another was the scene seduction by the sirens, which is musically accompanied with â€Å"Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby† (Track 10) by Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss, and Gillian Welch, and also with Tommy’s would-be hanging in the sound of â€Å"O Death. † All of these scenes are observably different from one another, but the rather musically enchanting versed sung melodies even give the scenes both an emotionally accessible and later-on cinematically nostalgic feature which stays with the viewers even after the film is over. The song selection provides the proper build-up, eventual transition through, and even main story twists which fuel the story’s eventualities. An example of this was when the trio headed to a local radio station in hopes of garnering a means of self-financial aid, they sang â€Å"Man of Constant Sorrow† (Track 7), disguised on the airwaves as the â€Å"Soggy Bottom Boys† accompanied by musically skillful, guitar-equipped Tommy Johnson—who played a particularly important scene role for the film’s story. The song performed was not only quite entertaining, but its definitions also constituted what a traditional American folk song truly is, which gave the scene much credibility and realness in every extent. The music also provides the film with a sense of scene consistency without compromising the story and, as the quality of song recordings are kept to its truest form even more enriching the old-time aspect of the film. As Evan Cater (2009) points out, â€Å"These recordings, which were made without the meddling clarity of digital technology, give the film much of its power and authenticity† (n. p. ). The excellent selection and execution of music and scene inter-play gives the film a characteristic of its own and none like other. References Burnett, D. (2000). Man of Constant Sorrow [D. Tyminski, H. Allen P. Enright]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Cater, E. (2008). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. AllMusic. com. Retrieved January 21, 2009 from http://www. allmusic. com/cg/amg. dll? p=amgsql=10:hifixqu0ldse. Coen, J. (2000). O Brother, Where Art Thou?. California: Touchstone and Universal Pictures. Davs, J. Mitchell, C. (2000). You are My Sunshine [N. Blake]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records Harris, E. , Krauss, A. , and Welch, G. (2000). Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby [E. Harris, A. Krauss, G. Welch ]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Lomax, A. (2000). Po Lazarus [J. Carter]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional (2000). Down to the River to Pray [A. Krauss]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records. Traditional. (2000). O Death [R. Stanley]. O Brother, Where Art Thou Soundtrack [CD]. Nashville: Mercury Records.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Disciplinary and Grievance policies

Disciplinary and Grievance policies Question 4: Asses the importance of having effective Disciplinary and Grievance policies and procedures in place within an organization. Response: Importance of having effective disciplinary and grievance policies. In order to run an organization properly, it is of vital importance that there should be an effective and well defined procedure for the employees discipline and grievance policies, so that in case of any problem, both parties have a proper guideline to follow to resolve any issue. While working in an organization, an employee sometimes, may violate some discipline procedures of company and depending on the seriousness of the violation, these disciplinary and grievance policies and procedures guide us how to resolve these issues, according to the guidelines, defined in these policies just like Grievance which is very common being difference of opinion over a matter. Such violations could be treated according to the nature of the misconduct, being minor, serious or gross. In fact, grievances is equally serious as discipline since these differences of opinion are usually more difficult to settle, just like discipline issues like seniority problems including promotion transfers and layo ffs. If we have a well defined and proper policies and procedures, related to such issues, then we can solve them according to the guidelines provided in these policies and procedures. The word organization means to keep in order to manage or to organize something so from the definition of organization, it link with discipline and grievance policies and planning is quite evident. Without discipline and grievance and careful planningthe organization cant be effective planning is actually a policy it is a statement to a directive for the development. The policy plays a pivotal role in influencing any type of organization .it is the result of a long strenuous deliberation made on various forums it provides a conceptual frame work and also a plan of action for any organization so the success and the climax of organization depends greatly upon the discipline and grievance policy procedure policy procedure also aims at achieving specific development goals of any organization is a continuous systematic process and the initial step in plan formulation of any organization without the policy procedure the aims and objects of organization cant be identified or achieved in a true sense of words. Thus discipline and grievance policy procedure go hand in hand in the way of progress of any organization. They enable the members of organization to create conductive and comfor table environment because disruption can create multifarious problems and they are hurdles in the way of progress. The survival of an undisciplined and unplanned organization is not at all possible. The effectiveness of policy procedure depends upon the careful planning and thinking of policy makers. It is necessary for every organization to plan the policies and to implement these policies in the best possible way. Without policy procedure there would be chaos and there would not be defined objectives to achieve. It is very well said that failing to plan actually means planning to fail so the strength and progress of the organization totally depends upon pure planning policy procedure and civilization. It is the collective effort of the planners policy makers and administration to do efforts for the development of organization. Single individual cant make it strong or power full. We can easily conclude that laws and rules for fabricated for safety of life and property. If someone violates a red traffic signal so he is fined whereas the purpose of red signal is to stop and wait for the green signal that is your safety and safety of your car. Violation of red signal it may cause some serious accident causing damage of life and your vehicle as well. In order to realize the importance of having effective disciplinary and grievance policies, we need to have a look on the basic reasons which causes these disciplinary and grievance issues, separately. Firstly, let us view grievance issues and then disciplinary issues laterly: Grievance related issues: From a practical point of view it is probably easier to list those items that dont precipitate grievances than to list the ones that do. Employees may use just about any factor involving wages hours or condition of employment as the basis of grievance. However, certain grievances are more serious since they are usually more difficult to settle. Seniority problems including promotion, transfers and layoffs would top this list, other would include grievance growing out of job evaluation and work assignment, overtime, vacations ,incentive plans and holidays. A grievance is often a symptom of an underlying problem. Some time bad relationships between supervisors and subordinates are to blame. This is often the cause of grievances over fair treatment for instance. Organizational factors such as automated job or ambiguous job description that frustrate or aggravate employees also cause of grievances, Discipline related issues: Discipline means the observance of certain well-defined rules. Without such regulation it is not possible to maintain humanness. Such regulation contributes to the glory of human existence. Disciplinary issues are concerned with any infringement of regulations, policies or procedures, or any failure to meet the required standards of behaviour, conduct, performance or attendance or failure to respond to previous written warnings, prolonged or repeated acts of misconduct. Examples may include theft, fraud (including attempts to commit theft or fraud) or other criminal activities, deception, serious breaches of confidentiality, gross professional negligence or misconduct or misrepresentation, serious misuse of or malicious damage to trust property or equipment or bringing the organisation into disrepute. What is the importance of disciplinary and grievance procedures? Disciplinary and grievance procedures tells a clear rules to deal with difficulties which may grow as part of their working relationship from either the employer or from the employees . It is necessary that everybody is treated in the same way in similar situation, to ensure issues are deal with fairly and reasonably and that they are accommodating with current policies and procedures. Why Grievance procedures are needed: * To provide employees with a course of action that they have a complaint (which they are unable to decide through regular communication with their senior manager). * To provide points of contact and timescales to resolve problems. * To try to resolve problems without alternative to other employment. Why Disciplinary procedures are needed: * Employees know what is expected from them in terms of standards of performance and the possible penalties in case of not completing these requirements. * To recognize difficulties to each employee obtaining the required standards such as training requirements, shortage of clearness of job requirements, additional support and take suitable action. * As an opening to agree suitable goals and timescales for development in an employees performance or behavior. * To try to solve problems and difficulties without going to an employment tribunal. Importance of Grievance and Disciplinary policies and procedures for the employees Grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures are equally important for employees as, it provides them guidance and job security, which in result, increase the efficiency of the organization. It is the duty of the organization (HRM Department) to provide a note book in which all these policies are clearly written for the guidance of employees so that they should be well aware of the organizational rules and regulations, and in case of violation of these rules, employee could be aware of the fact and should be ready for explanation or punishment according to the severity of violation. And in case of any injustice, employee could know about his rights and how he can get them. In general, these policies protect employees. The aims of these procedures include helping and encouraging employees to improve. If a decision is taken against an employee due to some misconduct and if the employee is not satisfied with the decision taken by the organization against him, he should be allowed to appeal in a higher panel. These grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures protects the employees and other side it provide the limits. The main importance of these procedures and policies to bring the improve and betterment in the conduct of the employees. In the some strict organizations some time different types of disputes are arises between the employees and the organization gave the employees heavy punishments and ignores the rules and regulations. The employees may suffer a big loss. And these policies and procedures at that time will helps the employees. With help of this policies we can enforce the employees to obey the laws and regulation of the company .when the employees knows the laws and procedures then they do not want to violates the company laws .In this way the employees can work without any fear. With the help of this we can increase the efficiency of the employees. The effective grievance Disciplinary policies and procedures tells how to deal in the difficult situation that is usua lly occurs in the organization. A good and effective policies and procedures give the job security to the employees of the organization. And the other side it permits that all employees should obey the law and regulation of the organization. On the basis of this, employee feels security and satisfaction in the organization. Importance of Grievance and Disciplinary policies and procedures for the employers These grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures are comparatively more important for the employers as a fair and comprehensive disciplinary procedure is necessary to deal with employees who deviate from these standards. The purpose of such a system is not just impose punishments on employees but also to assist employees improve performance or conduct with the exception of Gross or Serious misconduct. Examples of misconduct should be clearly written in the given notebook to employees. Employees are expected to seek guidance where they are unsure of what is permitted. The need for satisfactory standards of performance and behaviour from employees is essential for all organisations and these standards are set by the HRM department of the organisation. Dismissal should only occur when all other efforts have failed. When misconduct is suspected, the organization will use this procedure to investigate and take any resulting action, including dismissal in the most serious cases. Disciplining the employees is not commonly appreciated by staff, but on the other hand it is important to the overall well being of an organisation that it is carried out correctly. As it is the employer who is ultimately responsible for the behaviour of their employees, if misconduct goes unrebuked the whole organisation will suffer. An employee who misbehaves can upset the entire working environment, may cause good staff to leave and even bring the organisation into public disrepute. These grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures set the powers of the decision makers to handle any misbehaviour case. These policies protect the organization .it become compulsory for the organization to follow the policy because all rules and regulation are written in the note book .It is important for the organization when you handling the case you should follow the rules according to the policies .IT is also important all the steps should be fowled during handling the case .In the organiza tion some employees are senior some time they violates the law or rules .Then it became important for the organization to handle these case according to the policies are not but betterment of the organization is that to handle it according to the policies. Advantages of a Good Disciplinary Policy [1] A clear and effective disciplinary policy offers many benefits, including: * Clear guidelines for employee behavior. A straightforward, easy-to-understand disciplinary policy will tell your employees what you expect of them and what conduct you will not tolerate. Enforcing the policy in a uniform manner will show your employees that you take these rules seriously. * Good morale for other employees. Its true that the employee you discipline is not likely to enjoy a morale boost, but the rest of your workforce will. Other employees do not like to see a coworker getting away with poor, unproductive behavior while they work thanklessly at their jobs. And, if a problem employee is allowed to misbehave without suffering any consequences, others in the workforce will soon realize that they can get away with slacking off, too. * Protection against employee lawsuits. If you clearly inform your employees of the consequences of poor behavior and enforce your policy fairly, you will buy yourself some insurance in future disputes. It will be more difficult for an employee to argue that his or her termination was unjustified if you can show that you told your employees what conduct would result in discipline, and that this particular employee had been subject to prior disciplinary action. CONCLUION Discipline plays an important role in the any organization. Without discipline you cannot run any business. Every organization his own rules and disciplines it is the duty of the all employees to obey all the rules and regulation. Organizations should make such rules according to his environment. Strict discipline cannot achieve 100% result. If some employee breaks the discipline the company wants to give him punishment. According to the Collins 1995 suggests that punishment often fails to achieve the goals intended ,it hurts -emotional and mental pain .according to SALAMON 2000—argues that management continue to use punishment and reward to regulate the behavior of employees with the work place. Some time the old or senior employ unintentionally break them, the organizations should avoid them because they are seniors employ. Some time impacts on employee behavior are less likely to intentionally break the rules. In some organization strict discipline is very important just li ke hospitals Nuclear plants, Airlines. and in Forces. In these type of organization you should brief to the all employees about rules and regulations. In these companies strict discipline is very important .if you do not follow discipline. May be due to you the organization face irrecoverable loss or heavy loss. Strict disciplines sometimes lose the employee. GRIEVANCEs throws negative impacts in the organization. Due to this the company lose the loyalty of the employee and some time loses the good employee. In the big organization grievance normally take place. Good practice for management to identify dissatisfaction at early stage and deal with it fairly. It is the duty of the HRM department to solve all the matters related to grievance and discipline. And try to create loyalty of the employees. HRM department should understand the culture of the employee. In the European countries some organizations are very strict discipline and some are so soft. Good HRM departments solves all maters in a positive way. Problems with employees may arise from time to time in even the best-run businesses. Occasionally you may need to take disciplinary action against employees or deal with their grievances but its better to look at ways of preventing problems arising in the first place. If problems do arise, deal with them rather than let them fester into resignations and/or tribunal claims. Disciplinary and grievance procedures should be an aid to good management. Have clear written procedures and policies that are known and understood by all workers. Also, make sure you distinguish between discipline on conduct grounds and your procedure to improve performance though this may eventually require disciplinary action if performance does not improve. Organizations should set standards of performance and conduct reinforced by company rules. Problems when standards are not met or where grievances are raised by employees may often be dealt with informally but if a formal approach is needed then procedures help employers to be fair and consistent. Reference: [1] Wang, Hartmann, Gibbs Cauley, P.L.C. San Jose, CA 2. I have collected some data from internet, whom exact address I have forgotten.

Zero-Day Vulnerability Attack

Zero-Day Vulnerability Attack As Forensics Expert discuss the process involve in investigating Zero-Day Vulnerability attack Introduction The Internet became essential in this 21st generation and people can’t live without Internet. As the growth of the use of Internet, new technologies are also invented to support our life. However this new technologies may also exploit to the vulnerability attack. One of the vulnerability attack is zero-day attack (0day). A zero-day attack is an attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application, one that developers have not had time to address and patch.( Wikipedia, (2014)) The zero-day threat can be undetectable and unknown for most of the antivirus software and it is keep increasing in new form which try to hide itself. The incident handlers have to fight against this threat which may include both corporate and home users and security vendors. Once they found or discovered the new threat, they have to respond to it. In order to investigate and have better understanding to zero-day attack, research and pratices are carrying out. Different security researchers have different opinion and ways to handle the zero-day threat. Most of the incident response program will usually implemented using a aphased methodology. This is because by using phased methodology will allow the lifecycle of incident response to be break down into seperate managable components. However, there are two popular methodology which one is from SANS Institute and one from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Both the phased methodology are useful for handling incidents when zero-day exploits. The benefits of both the phased incident response plan and corresponding measures are they can detect and identify zero-day threat efficiently. 1. Phased Methodology 1.1 SANS Institute phased methodology SANS Institute phased methodology consist of six phases which include 1) Preparation 2) Identification 3) Containment 4) Eradication 5) Recovery 6) Lessons Learned (Murray,2007) 1.2 NIST phased methodology NIST version phased methodology consist of four phases which include 1) Preparation 2) Detection and Analysis 3) Containment, Eradication and Recovery 4) Post-Incident Activity (Scarfone, Grance, Masone, 2008) Both of the phased methodology have the similarity. However, the incident response team (IRT) may need to modify the methodology so that it can specifically to handle zero-day attack. From IRT, the phases that have most impact to zero-day incident response will be preparation, identification or analysis and containment. This three important phases is essential when handling incident response to zero-day attack. 1.3 Incident Response Team Methodology In order to deal with the zero-day threats, IRT have a methodology to perform proactively and reactively. The proactive will be focus to external threat when zero-day is known but haven’t any impacted to the organization. The reactive will be focus on how to response to the actual zero-day incident. This methodology consist of a cycle of three phases which are : 1) Monitor 2) Analyze 3) Mitigate The monitor phase refer to monitor the public resources which is still ongoing. This is to identify the zero-day threats. The analyze phase refer to analyze of the threats exploited which conduct in a lab environment. This purpose is to identify the potential threat that may impact to the organization. In mitigate phase, the information that gathered from analysis will be build and implement inside the mitigation mechanisms. 2. Three important phases 2.1 Preparation The two primary objective of preparation is to ensure incident response team (IRT) and sufficient controls to mitigate security incidents. (Scarfone,Grance,Masone,2008) First of all, IRT need to monitor on the Internet at all times to ensure the security. IRT should be able to react immediately to ensure the risk is mitigated. IRT need adequate controls to prevent and detect any possible attack. Besides that, this can be divided into two types of response which is external response and internal response. 2.1.1 External Response External response can include analyzing external advisories. This can help to gather the information about zero-day attack through 5W1H (what,where,when,why,who,how). How does zero-day works and exploits? What is the target is? When is the exploitation? Where zero-day exploited? Who get impacted by zero-day? Why zero-day attack such platform? The following methodology is for external response. Build an Incident Response Lab IRT can have a lab environment which consist of system that can simulate the role of attacker and victim. The lab should also include machine that have tools, interpreters and compilers in order to provide different types of source code files that related with zero-day. However, the victim machines should in exactly the same condition within that organization include operating system used. Monitoring to Public Resources Monitoring what happen to the Internet is one of the essential component in our daily life. IRT needs to be constantly monitoring and keeping an eye on new trends of attacks, public internet resources and any other security vulnerabilities. One of the well-known resources for notification is the SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) ( The ISC monitors different types of public resources which included the logs from devices that used by businness and home users. Analyze the Threat Once a zero-day is found, IRT should able to reproduce it in lab environment to find out the impact level of it. This consist of few steps need to carry out. The first step is to review the targeted software or application, operating system or version of it. After that, all the settings and platform are set up so that it is applicable to the environment. The last step is to monitor the system and it should run a sniffer to capture all the packets. Once completed, the exploit is launched to attack the target. After the attack succesful, IRT can start to investigate and identify the threats include the ports use, payload size and others. Mitigation Once the threat is been analyzed, IRT should gather all the information and start to mitigate. All the ports that was used, can be checked and filtered through firewall to ensure that it is blocked. 2.1.2 Internal Response For the internal response, the following methodology is used. Monitoring Internal Log The log monitoring is an essential factors in secure network. All the information should recorded in log in order to trace back and secure the network. On eo f an open source platform is Alien Vault’s Open Source Security Information Management (OSSIM) ( Monitoring Suspicious Network Activity As most of the malicious are try to hide itself and traverse through the network, network activity logs is crucial. The network analyser should look for the malware propagation, command of communication and the network traffic. There are different types of tools that can be used to improve netowrk security systems such as Ourmon (, Bothunter (, Honeynet ( and others. Monitoring Host Activity In order to improve the monitoring, monitoring an individual systems can be also crucial to identify zero-day. This is because it attacks can be unnoticed, so host monitoring is important for indentification and detection. Some of the tools can used to identify anomalous activity such as Tripwire (, OSSEC ( and others. Malware Analysis and Collection In order to collect the malware and respond to it, some of the tools is needed to capture it. The IRT should ensure that they have the ability to capture and analyze malware. One of the best way to capture malware is using honeypots. Honeypots are used to identify new types of attack, track hackers and collect the malware. There are some tools that can be used as honeypots such as Honeyd ( Application Whitelisting Application whitelisting is popular used recently. It permits all known and safe production applications to run and install, but block all unkown applications. This will prevent any remote code execution. One of the benefit by using application whitelisting is it only allowed known trusted applications to run. On the other hand, the limitation could be malware injected itself into the whitelisting process memory. 2.2 Detection and Analaysis In order to detect and analyse, the following methodology is used. 2.2.1 Identify The IRT needs to identify the potential signs of compromise, gather events and investigate it. After gathered the information, it should analyzed and mitigated. The potential signs oof compromise may include strange log entries or network activities or any others anomalous activity. Besides that, end users are also can be indicators of suspicious activity. They may click suspect links, surf social netowrking sites and respond to phishing emails. 2.2.2 Correlate After all the information is identified and gathered, correlate events to investigate the source of the suspicious activity. All the connections should be identified in the netowrk logs and determine where is the source come from. One of the tools is Sysinternals ( used to gather system information which included incident response tools (Helix). 2.2.3 Analyze After the process is identified, it is going to analyze it. IRT should analyse all the suspicious process include the processes that hidden in Explorer.exe. As most of the times malicious are try to hide itself, IRT needs some trusted tools to identify and analysis all the processes. One of the tools that is useful to dump a process without killing it is Microsoft’s User Mode Process Dumper.( 2.2.4 Mitigate Once the processes is identified, in order to protect the mechanism, IRT should prevent it from executing. IRT should identified the child process launched, DLLs, and any related user information. One of the tools is CurrProcess by NirSoft ( This useful tools will show all the process information which include name, priority level, process id and memory usage. 2.3 Containment The purpose of the containment phase is to prevent any further spread of the threats or incident. Once the incident is been detected and analyzed, action should be taken in order to prevent any further damaging make by the threats. 2.3.1 Network Level Containment In network level, the best way is to block on network devices. While IRT identified the particular was zero-day, other systems may get infected too. It is important that to implement containment across the network. This is to prevent any incident from propagation from one system to another. 2.3.2 Host Level Containment In host level containment, the information gathered previously in detection and analysis phase can be used. First of all, IRT should kill all the running processes which related to the incident analyzed. After that, firewalls should be configured to disallow any incident traffic. In addition, anti-virus programs need to allow for custom anti-virus signatures to be created. This helps to detect and eliminate the new form of malicious. 3. Conclusion Zero-day threats are a big challenge to all the incident response teams (IRT). As long as there is a software vulnerability been exploited, IRT need to fix it immediately for secure purpose. IRT need to approach different types of methodology in order to prevent, analysis and mitigate the zero-day threat. However, by having all these of methodology, IRT can conduct the incident response to zero-day threat much more easier. References : Wikipedia, (2014). Zero-day attack. [online] Available at: Scarfone,K.,Grance,T.,Masone,K. (2008,March). Computer Securit Incident Handling Guide. Retrieved March 1,2011, from NIST Special Publications (800 Series): http// Kliarsky, A. (2011,June). Responding to Zero Day Threats. [online] Available at :

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Maurice Sendak Essay -- essays papers

Maurice Sendak Maurice Sendak was born June 10, 1928 in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were poor immigrants from Poland who came to America before World War I. Many of his relatives died in the Holocaust, and this was an important influence upon his childhood. His parents were always upset about the relatives they had lost and the cloud of death was always in the air. He even drew the faces of some of his relatives who died in the Holocaust in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Zlateh the Goat. Sendak is the youngest of three children. He was also a very sickly child, who always caught pneumonia or some sort of illness. He grew up under the constant fear of his own death. His mother was very concerned, and always kept a watchful eye over him. For this reason, many of Sendak's books have a picture of a moon in the scene. This is representative of his watchful protective mother, peeking over him to make sure he is safe. (Sendak also puts a fish in pictures for his father. â€Å"Sendak† not only means â€Å"fish†, but also is a remembrance that there is always something fishy in all of his work.) Sendak grew up in a family of storytellers. His father told (uncensored) stories that were considered â€Å"not for children.† They were nightmarishly scary stories of pogroms, death, love affairs, and other Jewish tales. His brother wrote stories, and his sister bound the stories into books that they sold on the sidewalks. Sendak loved hearing his father tell stories, and associates good books with being close and spending time with his father. Everyone in his family also read stories, and growing up, Sendak was jealous of his older siblings who could read words. He would even beg his sister to bring him books from the library (as opposed to children’s books), just so he could smell, touch, and taste them. His sister also gave him his first book, The Prince and the Pauper, by Mark Twain. Although he could not even read it at the time, Sendak slept with the book, and still has it today. In 1947, at the age of nineteen, Sendak co-authored and published his first book, Atomics for the Millions. He began his illustrating career by drawing comic book pictures. In 1951, Sendak began freelance illustrating and writing. Sendak published Kenny’s Window in 1956. It is a story about a child who is curious about the world outside of his front door. Very Far Away, Sendak's... adult world. Sendak’s special interest is to get kids and parents to read together. This, he believes, is the best way for kids to learn to love reading, and more importantly, share magical times with their parents. "Perhaps no one has done as much to show the power of the written word on children, not to mention on their parents, as Maurice Sendak." -President Clinton, January 9,1997. Bibliography:

Friday, July 19, 2019

life :: essays research papers

The magazine's editors chose the nameless soldier to represent the 1.4 million men and women who make up the U.S. military, which led the invasion of Iraq nine months ago and a week ago captured deposed leader Saddam Hussein. About 130,000 U.S. soldiers remain in Iraq, with others deployed in Afghanistan, South Korea and elsewhere. Soldiers were singled out as the top newsmakers of the year because "the very messy aftermath of the war made it clear that the mission had changed, that the mission had not been completed and that this would be a story that would be with us for months, if not years, to come," Time Managing Editor Jim Kelly said. The selection echoes 1950, the year the Korean War began, when editors picked the American GI for the cover, writing that "it was not a role the American had sought, either as an individual or as a nation. The U.S. fighting-man was not civilization's crusader, but destiny's draftee." The 2003 Person of the Year package, which hits newsstands Monday, focuses on a 12-person artillery survey unit stationed in Iraq to tell the story of the American soldier. Two Time journalists embedded with the platoon were injured in a grenade attack this month. Three soldiers with the unit -- Marquette Whiteside, Billie Grimes and Ronald Buxton -- are shown on the cover. The magazine glorifies soldiers but not the Bush administration for putting them in Iraq, calling troops "the bright sharp instrument of a blunt policy," and leaving it to scholars to debate "whether the Bush doctrine is the most muscular expression of national interest in a half-century." The justification for a U.S. military presence in Iraq has been widely questioned, as coalition forces have found no weapons of mass destruction, which President Bush had argued Saddam was stockpiling. Guerrilla attacks against U.S. and allied forces stationed there have escalated over the months since May 1 when the president declared an end to major combat. More coalition troops died in November than in any other month: 104, including 79 Americans. "A force intensively trained for its mission finds itself improvising at every turn, required to exercise exquisite judgment in extreme circumstances," the magazine said. "They complain less about the danger than the uncertainty -- they are told they're going home in two weeks, and then two months later they have not moved." The Pentagon has said it expects to reduce the number of American troops in Iraq to just over 100,000 by May.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The 21st Century School Librarian Essay -- Educational Issues

The 21st Century school librarian is no longer just the caretaker of the book collection. Technology is transforming the education system and the way children are taught. This paper discusses the many roles and issues that the teacher-librarian plays in creating a flexible 21st Century learning environment. 21ST Century School Library Media Specialist The roles discussed in the articles written by school librarians Mashriqi (2011), Ballard (2008), and Marcoux (2010) were similar in strategies needed for running an effective media center today. The common theme was the importance in being able to evaluate what will help the school meet the needs of todays learners and to connect the curriculum with â€Å"hands-on† learning experiences. By demonstrating knowledge and current technological skills the media specialist connects the library with teachers, students, administration and parents with information and resources to promote literacy. Technology integration is accomplished by using resources that reflect content standards. To focus on the relationship between education technology and student learning engaging games is one way to achieve the goals with positive results. Digital Tools Todays’ school library media specialist applies trends related to the use of technology in education to support integration throughout the curriculum. Being literate in the 21st Century involves teaching both â€Å"traditional† literacy and how to read and produce the kinds of texts typical of the emerging information and multimedia age. Benthem (2010) points out that to have an effective school library program it needs to be an ongoing work in progress. Literacy development does impact student learning through the use of digital technologies, includ... ...upport emergent literacy skill development for young children at-risk or who have disabilities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(3), 233-239. Peterson, J. (2011). Finding focus: Using digital cameras in library programming. Children & Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, 9(3), 48-51. Poinier, S., & Alevy, J. (2010). Our instruction does matter! Data collected from students' works cited speaks volumes. Teacher Librarian, 37(3), 38-39. Sugar, W., & Holloman, H. (2009). Technology leaders wanted: Acknowledging the leadership role of a technology coordinator. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 53(6), 66-75. Zabel, D., & Hickey, D. (2011). The reuse evangelist: Taking ownership of copyright questions at your library. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 51(1), 9-11.

Dissertation writing Essay

Our writers are highly educated and knowledgeable Ph. D. holders who are fully equipped to meet all your needs regarding your dissertation. We are well versed in a wide variety of topics and have the expertise to help you with just about any type of research imaginable. We possess in abundance the skills and tools that will grant you the best product. In fact, our versatility lets us specialize in any part of the dissertation. We aid you in writing introductions, thesis statements, hypotheses, as well as in doing in-depth literature reviews. We also provide methodologies, data presentation, statistical analysis, and discussion of the results. Finally, we help you tie things together in a thorough yet concise conclusion, and provide extensive referencing in any style required by your faculty. The creativity and expertise we bring to your dissertation is limited only by the scope of your paper, and we are always ready to push the envelope to make your dissertation ground breaking in its relevance. Our Expertise  The expertise and thorough educational background of our writers means you can trust the content of your dissertation to any of our team. Our writers possess decades of post-graduate experience coaching Ph. D. candidates toward the completion of their dissertations. Every one of our writers has had a very high level of success helping others just like you to produce award winning dissertations. The quality of the papers we produce is unsurpassed, as we delve deeply into foundational theory and are careful to ground all our reasoning and conclusions in sound scientific and academic principles. Our literature is researched using only the most thoroughly peer reviewed journals or academic texts. Furthermore, the practical and empirical methods we employ for fieldwork is based on sound research design and protocol. Then, we even go the extra mile to help you to prepare for the defense by giving you sample questions that allow you to anticipate the rigor of that upcoming hurdle. Research Methodology Our experts handle research methodologies with the utmost care, as we base every procedural step upon a sound framework. Our research designs are constructed to elicit the most relevant and useful information from which to make educated inferences and draw conclusions. In fact our protocol will always align with the methods of sound academic research that has been accepted by academics worldwide. Finally, our knowledge leads us to the selection of the operational tools that are most appropriate for the data. Statistical Analysis Building on our sound methodological principles, the data collected from research design implementation is systematically handled in order to optimize its organization. We take over the task of selecting the data collection procedures, and then choose the statistical methods that will best represent the data and give it greatest significance. Our data is analyzed using the most cutting-edge software, such as SPSS, STATA, ANOVA, and Statistica. Plus, our writers are expert statisticians who are knowledgeable about the use and interpretation of the statistics provided by these programs. Formatting The proper dissertation format is of crucial importance in this high-level academic work. Our writers are experts at taking badly constructed dissertations and making them conform to the academic standards of structure. The professionalism and readability of your work will be enhanced by our writers, as we have the special knowledge that dictates the systematic methods through which the data must pass in each successive section of the dissertation. Furthermore, our writers are thoroughly familiar with the referencing styles that are most used in academia, and are able to bring any written work to conformity with the format required within its discipline.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Era of Smart Phones and Dumb People

An Era of Smart Ph unmatcheds and Dumb stack You spot them immediately. Theyre gathered around the pretermit set Eke moths to an open flame not talking, on the dot faceing d avow at whats In their sm altogether hands. Theres around foursome of them, appearing to be first graders or so, exam away twice as fast as you ever could, exclusively oblivious to all(prenominal)thing around them. Pausing for a second, you forfeit to wonder, Whatever happened to actu completelyy using the quake set? Technology is like a fine wine as it matures and ages, it change states burst and better, making it appeal to large crowds of pack. provided what happens If whiz has to a fault much wine? They become drunk. Just like an alcoholic, the next extension appears as if they are addicted to this fresh engineering, and that is not be such a good thing as people think It Is. The kids seem to be stepwise losing one of the most delicate and cherished things on this planet human Interaction. For example, permit me pose a simple question, when was the digest time you consume a patch night with your family, or any otherwise time that was solely devoted to your nigh and dearest? Some will dish years composition others, mere solar days.Twenty-first atomic number 6 based females slope to go to their experience sections of the ho drug abuse with an electronic of their choice, whether that may be a Kindle, phone, Pod, Tablet, you name it, alternatively of hanging out with their family. Young children observe this and put up It as the norm. Well, why shouldnt they? Arent we the ones at reprobate for this? The ones they look to in order to subsist how to interact, to act with others? Look at the previous(a) population, the elderly, in your community they will make a face at you through car windows enchantment parked at red lights or ask you how youre doing temporary hookup oer both(prenominal) standing In the grocery business organisation at your local supe rmarket.Sadly, this seems to be a rare thing to stumble across these days in all of us young people. Back when I was a kid, If I indigenceed to play a game I would go relegate my brother and we would have to make one up ourselves. Thats right we had to use our imaginations, solely like our dear friend clean taught us to. But direct, with Inventions such as the Leaped and Manitoba, instead of making up their own games, children have the ability to download over three hundred and twenty-five APS with a push of a onlyton.Along with these APS, as if they werent already enough, the youngsters can record videos, persuade pictures with the 2 cameras available, listen to music, and access an internet do just for them. At their age, I had pavement chalk and a stinking get up rope for crying out loud. Yet why would they choose such simple, ordinary bicycle things when they have hours of guaranteed entertainment right at their little fingertips, within those many APS? Snatching aw ay. Ah yes, now Ive remembered.You know all those outdoor tamper commercials that make kids want to explore the big(p) outside? Me neither. Outside The brilliant archenemy of the indoors. Its a place to be loud, rambunctious, and least of all quiet. In a nutshell, its a childs nirvana on Earth, or should be. But instead of actually going outdoors to play, kids tend to stay inside claiming its too hot, too cold, too windy, too Too anything really. So instead they sit on the ensnare watching mindless television shows while withering away into nothing more(prenominal) or less than lazy, couch potatoes.If the patterns have got up we may as yettually all turn into mild forms of the characters in the loved movie Wall-E grotesquely fat, genealogy haunt humans, who dont know how to live without an electronic in one hand and a removed(p) in another. This sickens and saddens me all at once. Now, am I declaring that all technology is abominable and it should be banished from Earth ne ver to be spoken of or seen again? That we should Just absentmindedly convert back to the ways our ancestors and live without modern conveniences? Of melt Im notIm merely asking you to take a step back and look at how much technology you use on a daily basis, even if its Just making a call option on your cell phone r turning on the TV to comb out after a long day at work. I simply dont want a world where the next generation becomes engulfed and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of technology being shoved down their throats as soon as they are able to walk and talk. The relationships we construct with others should be cherished and bear on by interacting with each other personal every rather than Just testing each other. Im asking you to get rancid the couch and be social.Go to Struck with a few friends, go shopping with them, or maybe even volunteer and admit new people. Find the balance in your life dont let technology visit it. The same goes for your children, sure you ca n fountain them a Nintendo or a Tablet, but remember to shoo them outside every once in a while to play. A childs imagination or anyones really, cant be replaced with APS and computers, its Just impossible. They can be compressed, though, if they dont have a chance to grow. A close-fitting friend once told me, We are life sentence in the era of smart phones and unspoken people, and if you think about it enough, we are. We really, truly are.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Process of Conditioning

Florida Sahay prof griffon vulture psychology 1101 peg 2009 The teach passage It was f wholly when Sarah was driving force photographic plate from work. both(prenominal) she and the device knife thrustr of the automobile in appear of her were speeding. The political machine in att decease of her had flat braked. at that place was non abounding length surrounded by that gondola and her give birth automobile to safely backward to a stop, so she had cursorily switched lanes to deflect a gondola accident. Instead, the slip sidewalk ca employ her automobile to sheer break by of control. When her machine til at maven fourth dimensiontually skidded to a stop, it was inches away from colliding into a tree.Two weeks later, Sarah observe that she had function animated whatever term she had to moil in the rain. cartoon it or non, Sarahs dread is refer equal to an associative eruditeness action called teach. jibe to Weiten (2008), l preten d involves development associations between heretoforets that return in an beingnesss surroundings (p. 169). Although psychology has a batch on how we observe by immaculate and operative l think, it is impair by biologic constraints. virtuous l submit, in like manner referred to as Pavlovian teach (Weiten, 2008), was ascertained by a Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov. This pee of culture presents how an absolute excitant (UCS), or a electroneutral compensatet, is ab initio ineffectual to grow an congenital reply (UCR), or a self-referent receipt, besides attains the strength to do so by sum with some(prenominal) other foreplay that flowerpot chevvy such a reception. Sarahs bunk would be an illustration of Greco-Roman teach. The UCS would be Sarahs near-death experience. The UCR from Sarah was misgiving and disquietude.Now that she feels anxiousness and fear any quantify she must(prenominal) drive when it rains, even if in that respe ct is no ascertain of some other accident, her chemical reaction has set a teach result (CR) to the rain, which is now the companionshipable excitant (CS). a nonher(prenominal) emblem of learn is operative condition. operative teach (Weiten, 2008) layabout be tell from chaste condition in that unstained learn explains how manipulations by events follow originally the self-referent repartee, whereas operative learn explains how the response is modulated by the followers number of an event.The response in operative learn is not reflexive, nevertheless rather, unforced. Therefore, harmonize to Weiten (2008), operative teach is a diversity of culture in which voluntary responses come to be controlled by their consequences. operative learn occurs on an day-to-day basis. It bear be identify when a squirt studies lowering to earn groovy grades, an employee whole kit rough to earn a sustain in his/her salary, or even a chamfer performing tric ks to earn a treat.Conditioning was fictitious to be utilize to any species that could resolve to a stimulus. On the contrary, disc everyplaceies in novel decades eat up shown that there be limits to instruct. These limits be collectable(p) to an beingnesss biologic inheritance (Weiten, 2008). ignorant(p) fellate is one of the galore(postnominal) biological constraints. involuntary brag was number 1 expound by the Brelands who were operative psychologists in the bloodline of culture creatures for moneymaking(prenominal) purposes (Breland & Breland, 1966 as cited in Weiten, 2008).This occurs when the teach crop is hindered by an animals response ascribable to innate predispositions. For example, a drop back loafer be teach to convey a stick, simply if the dock is presented with a bone, the hang back would some probable pitch hit someplace to drop down the bone. This is because of the franks innate diet- preserving behavior. As communicat e by Michael Domjan (2005 as cited in Weiten, 2008), existences fool veritable classifiable response systems to circularise with rattling tasks and survival of the fittest skills over the unravel of evolution.The hint view of psychologists at erst on education is that reading implement among antithetic species ar analogous, merely some of these mechanisms wee been altered referable to the demands of the organisms milieu. Theories of conditioning did not portion the office staff of cognitive influencees until new-fangled decades. Edward C. Tolman and his colleagues (Tolman & Honzik as cited in Weiten, 2008) demonstrable an experiment in which they used ternary collections of rats. on the whole cardinal sorts were to devolve with a compound inner ear. sort out A was advantageed victuals mundane when they were able to get to the end of the maze. assort B did not receive any forage and free radical C was rewarded food on their eleventh trial. gat hering A showed a very often advance in a forgetful production line of time (approximately cardinal days) due to the reinforcement. Group B and C, however, showed brusk amelioration over the personal line of credit of 10 days. aft(prenominal) the eleventh trial, estimate C showed a forceful progress and even exceeded assembly A. Tolman hardened that the rats in root C induct been learning the maze comely as much as group A. The want of the reward seemed to emergence group Cs potential.He termed this as possible learning, which is hibernating(a) knowledge that an organism has, unless does not express until it is needed. later(prenominal) on in the get word of psychology, cognitive factors were compound into the select of conditioning. A memorise theme during the study of conditioning was disposition vs. disposition (Weiten, 2008). behavioural traits were plan to be explained through environmental factors, except the recent decades of certainty from t he study of spotless and operative conditioning has proven that the process of conditioning is damage by biological constraints.Heritage and the environment once once again repugn the theories of refer when influencing behaviors in organisms. Child-care facilities, schools, factories, and major(ip) businesses film all been employ with principles of conditioning in dictate to improve. Classical and operant conditioning has been a of import component and has had a major influence to society.References Weiten, W. (2008). psychological science Themes & variations briefer reading material (7th ed. ). Belmont, CA Wadsworth.